when bad things happen to bad people
I, probably unlike most others, check my spam mailbox every now and then. Besides the occasional message from someone I know, I usually delete them all. These spammers get email addresses from websites where one might have inadvertently left one's address for the world to see. Or from those pesky chain letters that float around every so often (if you’re going to forward those to people, have the decency to bcc them so their address isn’t ripe for the picking).
So, I wonder, if I post Tracy’s latest message to me: “Hi, i am here sitting in the internet caffe. Found your email and decided to write. I am 25 y.o.girl. I have a picture if you want. No need to reply here as this is not may email. Write me at atracey2@springmessage.info,” will Tracy start getting spam too?
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